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What does grief look like when an estranged parent dies without saying a last farewell?

In Speak #Truth Lies, I confront the complex emotions surrounding my estrangement from my father and how I grieved him after he died. passing. After fifteen years of separation, Vig and her young daughter Ruby arrive on Atlรธy Island to lay her father to rest.


Hi, Iโ€™m Vig, an Irish-Norwegian writer and photographer. At twenty-four I bought a one-way ticket to Australia, never imagining the profound shapeshift the journey would have on my life. Together with my husband and daughter, Iโ€™ve travelled and lived in Norway, Ireland, England, Greece, Spain, France, Portugal, India, Thailand, Kenya, Egypt and more. Today, home is Castleconnell, a village on the banks of The River Shannon, close to Limerick City – where Frank McCourt’s family was from. How’s that for a setting? Our village might be small and often dressed in a grey cloak heavy with rain, but when the veil of mist rises from Shannon’s rapids, as they come towards you, passing below the footbridge – awe inspires wordsmithing. No wonder, you’re standing where the limerick came from.

I lived a long time ‘unconscious’ before I developed the curiosity and passion for understanding my human behaviours & emotions. It was the late 90s, early 00s. I was in my 30s and busy climbing the fashionable London .com career leader. Issues were holding me back and my search for a solution (without therapy or a coach) brought me books and cassette tape courses. When I learned about how our past impacts our future, I followed the prompts and started writing down and rereading my past. Journaling has been part of the air I breathe since I learned to write, around 11 (a little late, and yes, there’s a story in there). Then I discovered that if I reframe my narrative story, I can also transform my future. Thanks to the 7 1/2 years of learning the creative act & art of writing – my Doctorate, as I call it – that brought my writing to the public through articles and Speak #TRUTH Lies, my memoir on healing – that also healed me. Writing for me is Therapy on the Page. I’d like to invite you to find out more about the power of Therapy on the Page โ€” a gentle and transformative approach to help you find truth and healing in your story

A podcast for writers and readers of true life stories who love a good memoir. Deep thoughts and conversations about true life stories, writing, reading and snippets from my village life.

What Readers Say

๏ผ‚Dear Vig,
Congrats on your book. Thank you so much for writing it and having it published. I am deeply moved by your work. […] I cried so much when I read the ‘Whore’ chapter. […] Your book opened my eyes and left me full of emotions. Beautiful writing. Canโ€™t wait to read your next one. I will definitely recommend it to my friends and colleagues at school.
What a read! Best, Karin in Austria