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Writing Memoir by Vig Gleeson

On Writing Memoir

I don’t want to write a memoir. It’s too raw and scary. Too ‘laying it all on the line,’ too vulnerable. I’m afraid I won’t find the #TRUTH, I’m afraid my story will be lopsided, with only my point of view. For whatever happened to me, happened because of something else that happened to someone else.

And I don’t know their truth, for if there is one thing I’m learning from writing my memoir, it is that the TRUTH is elusive, it changes and morphs into different forms the closer I get to it.

What I believe to be true today, may not be true tomorrow. Just like what I believed back when I was growing taller not always holds true today.

There were lies I told, in such brilliant colours, that I myself believed them to be true. Untangling this web of lies makes me feel oh so vulnerable right now.

Love and Light

Vig ❤️

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