Egypt Luxury Tour 2018

Today I am super excited to share my Coffee Break conversation with my dear friend Gina Baksawho is leading a Luxury Pilgrimage Tour to Egypt in November. And YOU are invited ❀️

Listen to our video for a taste of the experience you will have when Gina and world renown Egyptologist Emile Shaker guide you through the esoteric energies and metaphysical aspects of the ancient sites you will visit.


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Judging Without Why

Last weekend, having lunch, I saw a good mum feeding her 10 year old daughter. It wasn’t a very healthy lunch and the daughter could do with healthy. I judged her, and I don’t even know her WHY.

A few days ago I went on a field trip with Ruby’s school. The day was extra hot and dry with the sun beating down on us in the desert landscape of Waadi Digla. I was in the back troop as we set out on a big hike.Β  Climbing the steep hill, sand and rocks coursed down the hillside, under our trainers.


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