Egypt Luxury Tour 2018

Today I am super excited to share my Coffee Break conversation with my dear friend Gina Baksawho is leading a Luxury Pilgrimage Tour to Egypt in November. And YOU are invited ā¤ļø

Listen to our video for a taste of the experience you will have when Gina and world renown Egyptologist Emile Shaker guide you through the esoteric energies and metaphysical aspects of the ancient sites you will visit.

Ginaā€™s beautiful 10-page brochure has all the information you need to manifest your Egypt Luxury Pilgrimage this November.Ā  Get your copy here.Ā 

IĀ had a blast chatting with Gina and canā€™t wait to finally meet her in person in November.Ā  It’s eight years since IĀ first met Gina.Ā  In 2010, when I started WonderWorks Photography in Ireland, I was an avid listener of her Action Podcast whichĀ sheĀ co-hosted with Paul Baily and Sam Fossberg. Since then we have followed each otherā€™s journeys around the world, and man has Gina traveled. Her paths have taken her to the most extraordinary places where sheā€™s had the most profound experiences, all in the lap of luxury.Ā  This girlĀ knows how to experience our world.

OneĀ of my favorite interviews with Gina is with Juliet Yelverton, where she talks about her experiences after completing level three of Julietā€™s Professional Trauma Skills Training.

It gives you a really good insight into theĀ vessel Gina holds for her clients and what you can trust her to hold for you during your 12-day Luxury Egyptian Pilgrimage together.

Sacred Initiation occurs when we find a harmonious resonance with our natural environment, recognizing that we all beat to the tune of the universe.

Tune into your Sole’s Desire.

Book your complimentary pre-trip intuitive coaching session with Gina at and start to tune into what your soulā€™s desire is.Ā Ā I so much want one of Gina’s intuitive coaching session for myself.

Head over toĀ Egypt Luxury Tour on Facebook to get closer connected to Gina.Ā 

Welcome to your luxury journey in Egypt, I can’t wait to meet you at Mena House and experience the Cairo leg of your journey with you.

I know you’ve waited a long time for this, now’s the time to – Manifest, Enjoy and Awaken your senses.Ā 

MuchĀ Love and Light

VigĀ ā¤

Iā€™d love to keep in touch, don’t you? Pop your details in below and every few weeks, or so,Ā Iā€™ll send you my musings on writing, life and #TRUTH hunting.