Make a Scene

The fundamental elements for creating great scenes in memoir. Think of the first paragraph of your memoir as the opening scene of a movie or TV series. Every story, every movie, every book starts with a scene and after the first scene follows another, and another. Scene after scene after scene makes a chapter.

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Making Memoir

The endΒ of writing marks the beginning of marketing in earnest. I’ve been looking forward to this part for so long. I get to be online and social and build websites and newscasts and design a book cover, and figure out how to publish and then sell the book. I love all this, especially the community and tech stuff.

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How to create a safe vessel to write from

I’m trying, I’m really trying to get on with revision, transcribing voice notes and rewriting, while the drilling continues upstairs. our Athens building block is incredibly noisy with constant building works ongoing. I’ve my AirPods in at high volume streaming Smooth Jazz on Spotify.

I don’t think I can do it . . . I’m good at anything that requires connecting to others, #MyMenopausalMiddle with Moira’s Wealthy Minders for instance. But writing is a long, slow, solitary journey.

This might be just another displacement activity, but right now I need to be softly held somehow, that’s why I’m asking:

How can I create a vessel to hold myself safe? 


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