This is an article about Laura Davis, American author. interview

❝The Burning Light of Two Stars.❞

Meet the Author

Laura Davis – Memoir

In her 2003 book, ❝I Thought We’d Never Speak Again❞ Laura Davis writes about interviewing her mother, Temme, to get her side of their story journey from #Estrangement to #Reconciliation.

The way she sets up the scene is literary breathtaking and deserves to be studied by novelists and memoirists. With steaming mugs of tea, we – the reader – enter Laura’s living room – strewn with children’s toys;

❝Russian nesting dolls rolling in pieces on the heart.❞

By the time we sink deep into the sofa cushions, ❝sagging from years of children jumping where they weren’t supposed to,❞ we get a sense that Laura is wrapping a shawl of comfort – from her wife and children – around herself.

As she’s about to press ‘record’ on her cases-tape-recorder she #flashback to when the machine came into her life; ❝A gift from Mum. . .❞ Oh, my god, I thought – when I read this – her mum gave her the widget to record the hardest conversation of their – The symbolism in that is mindblowing.

Laura’s choice of words heightens the tension in this vulnerable moment between mother and adult daughter. I can hear the soundtrack and I just know their conversation will rip open old wounds. I wait in anticipation while Laura slows the scene down, with beautiful character descriptions and the winter world outside the window. This is priceless writing. 🧡

I interviewed Laura about her memoir ❝The Burning Light of Two Stars❞ and running her creative writing business on Monday 17 January in @creativeacademyforwriters. A recording is available for members of The Creative Academy for Writers.

If you haven’t read The Burning Light of Two Stars: A Mother-Daughter Story yet, you can read the first five chapters for free and order the paperback, ebook and audiobook from lauradavis. net

This is an extraordinary memoir every memoirist must read.

This content was repurposed from a 17 January 2022 Facebook post.

Heading Vig Gleeson Author of the memoir  Speak Truth Lies, Brand Photographer & Podcaster  Limerick August 2024


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What does grief look like when an estranged parent dies without saying a last farewell?

In Speak #Truth Lies, I confront the complex emotions surrounding my estrangement from my father and how I grieved him after he died. passing. After fifteen years of separation, Vig and her young daughter Ruby arrive on Atløy Island to lay her father to rest.


Hi, I’m Vig, an Irish-Norwegian writer and photographer. At twenty-four I bought a one-way ticket to Australia, never imagining the profound shapeshift the journey would have on my life. Together with my husband and daughter, I’ve travelled and lived in Norway, Ireland, England, Greece, Spain, France, Portugal, India, Thailand, Kenya, Egypt and more. Today, home is Castleconnell, a village on the banks of The River Shannon, close to Limerick City – where Frank McCourt’s family was from. How’s that for a setting? Our village might be small and often dressed in a grey cloak heavy with rain, but when the veil of mist rises from Shannon’s rapids, as they come towards you, passing below the footbridge – awe inspires wordsmithing. No wonder, you’re standing where the limerick came from.

A podcast for writers and readers of true life stories who love a good memoir. Deep thoughts and conversations about true life stories, writing, reading and snippets from my village life.

What Readers Say

Dear Vig,
Congrats on your book. Thank you so much for writing it and having it published. I am deeply moved by your work. […] I cried so much when I read the ‘Whore’ chapter. […] Your book opened my eyes and left me full of emotions. Beautiful writing. Can’t wait to read your next one. I will definitely recommend it to my friends and colleagues at school.
What a read! Best, Karin in Austria

This is me launching before I’m ready 🙃 I feel vulnerable, excited and brave 🙂

If you have time to linger a while – have a good look around my newly refurbished online 🏡 and let me know what you think. My dear friend Tracy spotted a typo inside a repetitive graphic. That was annoying and time-consuming to fix 🙂 It’s done now though. Thanks to Tracy‘s keen eyes. 🧡

If you’re interested, I’m working on a free Memoir & Life guide. At the moment I’m calling it ‘The Making of a Memoir,‘ but I think I like Making Memoir better – which do you prefer? Or do you have a different idea? I suppose I ‘should’ call it Your free guide to Memoir & Life writing . . . 🤔 I’m thinking this will be a series of PDF downloads . . .

I’m pondering aloud on the web page here.

Help yourself to a copy. It’s not finished yet, so let me know how I can improve it. Is there anything you don’t agree with or think I should add? There’s something not right with the colours 🎨 None of the 🔗 works – I have a few videos to record but my YouTube Channel works.

Next, I’m designing an email sequence to download the free guide 🙂 If you have time I would love it if you will test the signup and copy/graphics of the PDF. 🧡

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