The No Crap Challenge

I’m pissed off with looking frumpy in my clothes, because of this belly bump.

I’ve had enough and it’s time to do something about it. It has to be simple, no fancy diet or restrictions. No rigid  exercise regime or rules of any kind. Just kindness and a good dollop of Accountability.

. . . Like Accountability  go LIVE.

I know what my problem is

Much of my eating is ‘comforting’ and ‘numbing,’ and late night telly snacking, so I thought I’d start there. When there’s  something I really like for dinner, I tend to eat way too much. Reading though my old journals form my teens, as research for my book, I’m learning that  is something I’ve always done. A legacy form parents and grandparents, who may have gone hungry during war-times, and wanted to see me well feed with their; ‘Think of all the starving children in Africa.’ And  ‘Finish your dinner or you won’t get desert.’ Yes, I was a desert kid, –  thankfully that’s in the past, apart from at dinner parties of course.


I spend most of my day on my butt, reading or tapping out words. To have our own gym and pool is a blessing, I just need to remind myself to use them more often. I also have a yoga studio, 2 minutes walk form my house, and I love myself some Yoga! ? Ooommm 


Do you fancy joining me? I can do with a few accountability buddies. It’s really simple, sign up here and download the PDF, print it and hang it on your fridge. Well, that’s where I have mine – because that’s where I go when I think I’m hungry and that’s when I need the reminder. Am I really Hungry? And be kind to yourself, because you deserve all the goodness in the world.  I’ll post my progress in my private Facebook group and If you’re up for the challenge, you can join me there and we can cheer each other on. It will be fun! 

We are beautiful just the way we are

Our bodies are amazing, sexy and groovy, what ever shape or size.  I just want to feel a little bit better, and if I can add a few 😃 to a chart 📊 chart in the process, that’ll make me feel Awesome!

I’m not expecting miracles and I’m definitely not giving up wine ? maybe I’ll just add some more dancing. ?

Love and Light

Vig ❤